
KENSA Logistics (Mexico), S.A. de C.V.

Av. Pdte. Masaryk No. 219 · Piso 1

Col. Polanco V Sección

Del. Miguel Hidalgo

C.P. 11560 · CDMX

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Manuel Vega, Project Cargo & Customs Director de KENSA: “We are ready to provide logistic support for renewable energy projects which will soon be a reality”

Are renewable energies set to increase massively in Mexico? That seems to be the case. But, when? In what way? We still do not know. The energy sector is expectant and is confident about prospects that seem imminent. And, at KENSA, we are ready to join these companies and offer our broad experience in project cargo. Our expert in this subject offers further details on these jobs.

During COP 27, the last climate summit held in Egypt last November, when almost no one expected any significant developments from our country, Mexico surprised us with the news of its intention to decrease contaminating gases by 35% and undertook to double the generation of renewable energy from here to 2030. A radical change in the energy policy which had been followed till then by the president, and calling for a great effort in many sectors, including the logistics sector.

A boost of optimism

"Fossil fuel policies at the beginning of the term were a major setback for private investment which had started to foment renewable energies. This unexpected announcement came as a considerable shock and implied a boost of optimism", says Manuel Vega, Project Cargo & Customs Director at KENSA. It is true that, currently, there are no concrete plans in place, but according to our colleague “it is clear that the commitment to doubling sustainable energy will give a great boost to the renewable sector which is getting ready to reactivate the activity in record time”. Proof of the same is that several studies are already being carried out in a large part of the country.

The fact that the sector is reactivating its former projects and starting to design new ones requires a great effort in logistics.

“When we speak of renewable energies, we immediately think of thousands of photovoltaic panels or hundreds of wind turbines ‒confirmed Vega‒. All of these are the most visible elements and call for a great effort in logistics, but these facilities likewise need many other materials which have to be transported to the places chosen for their installation. There is a need to stock up on fencing, cables, towers, etc. And this effort requires great maturity and experience from a logistics operator”.

Up to the challenge

“At KENSA, we are ready for this challenge ‒ Vega said emphatically ‒. In fact, the entire Cargo Project team at KENSA has proven and sound capacity to tackle complex projects. Our clients recognize the fact that, when we handle their cargo projects, we offer fully coordinated organization, absolute safety and total precision. In addition, we are capable of taking charge of the whole process: from the necessary documentation and customs clearance to transport which is often intermodal”.

At KENSA, we hope that the Government’s commitment to renewable energies becomes a reality. Because it is sure to improve relations with our neighbors to the North and help boost our country’s economy. It will help us leave number 15 in the shameful ranking of polluting countries and, above all, we must not forget that we are talking about our children’s future. After all, there is no plan B for the planet.

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